Friday, September 17, 2021

Five on Friday: A BTSN Proclamation

1.  I already accidentally missed the High School's Back to School Night this year, and . . .

2.  The announcements about COVID cases at the Middle School have already started coming in and that hasn't slowed anybody's insane "unmask our children" roll, and . . . 

3. I'd have to drive the 15-passenger van which is a bitch to park and the school parking lot is always so crowded and a request was sent out for the 6th grade parents to park in one area at the earlier arrival time and for the 8th grade parents to park in another area at the later arrival time which would mean if I wanted to be a good citizen* who happens to have both a 6th and an 8th grade student this year, I'd have to find not one but two parking spots for that beast**, and . . . 

4. I have had children at this very same school for the past ten consecutive years and they are literally my fourth and fifth children enrolled, and . . . 

5. I just sort of wanted to stay home and take a shower and chill; I thereby justify skipping the Middle School's Back to School Night this year, just in case you were wondering where I was.

Maybe next year

* And I am nothing if not a good citizen!
** Though searching for a second parking spot maybe would solve the "what to do during the 7th grade parent time slot" dilemma

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