Friday, May 7, 2021

Five on Friday: Signs of Spring to Tide Me Over 'Til the Nice Weather is Here to Stay

Is it really April that’s the cruelest month? Because we’re a solid week into May and the weather is still teasing me with one nice day followed by several chilly, rainy ones (and a forecast that is bumming me out). I am a warm weather fanatic. I have big Vespa-riding plans but once we start dipping below 62° it’s just too chilly for me to ride comfortably.

I keep telling myself I need to hold on just another week . . . or two . . . and we’ll be firmly into gorgeous, eat-outside-all-the-time, good-riding weather. In the meantime, those random teaser days with temps in the 70s have provided lots of little signs of spring, (some of them true for everyone, some just for parents) that help me realize spring really is here, even if it’s not providing the consistently higher temperatures I long for.

1. It must be spring because I am finding weird shit outside, not just inside.

Okay, it's not that a paintbrush is weird, per se, it's just . . . why was it inserted into the bunting like this? Another flag had a little stick in it. Why?

 2. I'm harping on the kids to put their bike helmets and basketballs away properly instead of their boots and gloves.

3. "Pick up your toys so we can vacuum the rug" is morphing into "Pick up your toys so we can mow the lawn."
Who's more excited? This guy for getting to mow the lawn or Dad for having someone that really wants to mow the lawn? Might be a toss-up. 
4. Ah, the sounds (birds in the morning, spring peepers in the evening) and sights of spring . . . I went outside to take a picture of my little baby bean plants and found a pair of damp sneakers drying on the deck rail.
5. This little gal is taking more of her naps outside in the sun these days . . . and even though I'm having trouble believing it, I know that soon I will be, too.


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