Friday, November 16, 2018

Five on Friday: Snowvember!

New Jersey's No-School November continues with an unexpected snowstorm causing an unplanned early dismissal AND school closing!

So what will we be doing home all day today? SO MUCH! For example:

1. Shoveling. Shoveling. Shoveling. I'd say eight inches of very heavy snow times the length and width of my driveway, path to the front door, the back deck and the yard path I created so our little dog can still go out . . . definitely mean I can indulge later when I do some . . .

2. Baking! I looked up this recipe for Pumpkin Cinnamon Rolls with intentions of making them to freeze for Thanksgiving morning, but who am I kidding? While the dough is rising I will do some . . .

3. Reading. My daughter and I  are reading Nikki Grimes' Make Way for Dyamonde Daniel together and have two chapters left. I have some articles a friend saved for me to get to as well, never mind the book I'm really enjoying (Little Fires Everywhere by Celeste Ng)

4. Writing. Funny how last night I had NO ideas for my Five on Friday list but this morning I came up with three. I'm (obviously) writing this one now but will probably try to write out the other two ideas I had before I forget them again.

5. Lots of basic snow-day stuff like taking pictures of the pretty snow and my lovely children playing in it, stoking the fire and having impromptu dance parties.

View from my back deck this morning

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