Friday, March 21, 2014

Five on Friday: Celebrating My Oldest Son

I tease my oldest son a lot, in person and online, because he really does and says the most outrageous things (a total "absent-minded Professor" type). But he's also a great kid and it's his birthday this weekend so here are five great and funny things about him:

1. He's really honest. He came home from school yesterday saying, "The carrots in my lunch were kind of hard so do you want me to eat a different vegetable now?" (Once when he was small and I demanded to know why he threw a rock at his friend he said, "MOM! I was AIMING for my sister!")

2. He's a great big brother, particularly to the 3 year old.

3. He only likes cheese if it's melted. (Huh?)

4. His favorite sandwich is one of his own creation: peanut butter, apple and pretzel.

5. He makes incredible comic strips. Likewise with Lego creations. Last night he made this TARDIS (from Dr. Who):

Happy 12th Birthday, G! 

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