Friday, May 17, 2019

Five on Friday: I Wear Many Hats

As you may know, I am a woman who wears many hats: I've got a few jobs, a few hobbies, a few kids, a few more kids that always hang out here, a few  (whoops, got on a roll there!) one wonderful husband, a dog, a house, an extended family, a bunch of friends . . . 

But I'm also a woman who literally wears many hats, many of which I have embellished with lots of hot glue and found objects. Recently I've been wondering what to do about my growing collection of hats and decided that, naturally, I should write a blog post about them!

1. Though I do love all manner of hats, I'm not much of a baseball cap wearer. When I do occasionally wear one for exercising or gardening, you can bet it's one I embroidered a home made patch on to:

2. I made this hat to be Carmen Miranda for Halloween last year. It's been sitting in my bedroom begging me to wear it again but an opportunity just has not presented itself yet.
(Oooh but I am going to be in New Hope, PA for Pride weekend . . . DONE)

3. The hat I made (with the building skills of my brilliant and artistic daughter) for the first Red Mill Kentucky Derby party I went to:

4. For the second Red Mill Kentucky Derby party I went to, I went easy on the hat and made a Red Mill-print dress (again with substantial help from my daughter) But for the third year I went back to a hat and decided to reflect the water theme that the Mill has this year in exhibits and programming:

5. Lastly, just a few weeks ago I was thinking about how much I'd like one of these. Then lo and behold, I found a brand-new one at the thrift shop! Because I am secretly and 80-year-old lady, this fills me with joy and I will absolutely use it: